Terms & Conditions

Condition of Use:

Your use of this website is subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. By accessing this website you acknowledge that you have read and agree to such terms.

No Attorney-Client Relationship Established:

The transmission of information from this website or sending email to Florida Venture Lawyers or any of its attorneys or other employees does not form an attorney-client relationship. Such a relationship can only be established after speaking with one of our attorneys and entering into a written engagement letter. Unless you are an existing client, any communication that you send will not be privileged information, and therefore may be disclosed to other parties. However you should be aware that information conveyed over the Internet may not be secure.

No Solicitation:

We have made every effort to comply with all applicable legal and ethical requirements pertaining to law firm web sites. Flordia Venture Lawyers does not seek to solicit, nor are we attempting to obtain, the representation of clients based on their viewing of any portion of this web site. Prior results cannot and do not guarantee a similar outcome with respect to any future matter, including yours, in which a lawyer or law firm may be retained. Our attorneys do not seek to practice law in jurisdictions where they are not properly authorized to practice. Out attorneys are licensed to practice only in the State of Florida.

No Legal Advice Provided:

The contents of this website are for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as legal advice. It is not an invitation to establish an attorney-client relationship, and you should not rely upon any information presented here without first seeking legal advice from an attorney licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction.

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You may view, download and print a copy or any part of the website for your own informational purposes, but, under no circumstance may you reproduce, upload, resell, modify, distribute, transmit or display for commercial advantage any of its contents, or include any part of this web site in another work, without the express written permission of Flordia Venture Lawyers.

No Warranty Implied:

The contents of this web site are provided “as is”. Nothing on this website is intended to imply or predict the outcome of any legal matter that you may be considering or involved in. Applicability of legal principles discussed may differ substantially in individual situations. Flordia Venture Lawyers makes no warranties of any kind regarding the information on this website and does not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, usefulness or adequacy of any resources, information, apparatus, product, or process available at or from this website and expressly disclaims any liability or warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. The content of this website is designed to serve as general information only; it may not reflect the most current developments in law, and may not be applicable in your jurisdiction. Flordia Venture Lawyers expressly disclaims and responsibility for action you may choose to take or avoid as a result of the information you obtain herein or based upon any errors or omissions in such information. Your sole remedy for any dissatisfaction with any of its contents is to refrain from using this web site.

Other Sites, Content, Product and Services:

Some of the material on this web site contains links to other Internet resources. The links are provided as citations and are not intended to state or imply that Flordia Venture Lawyers is affiliated, associated with or legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol or material contained in the link, nor that Flordia Venture Lawyers is responsible for any loss or damage you may incur from your use of such other sites. You should refer to the separate terms of use, privacy policies and other rules posted on such other sites before you use them.


Unless otherwise identified, this web site and all of its contents are protected by the trademark, copyright and other intellectual property law of the United States and other jurisdictions and may not be used by you in connection with any product or service. These terms and conditions are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its principles of conflicts of laws.

Contact Information:

The information on this site has been prepared by Stephen M. Rubin, P.A., a Florida Professional Association. For additional information regarding this website, please contact Stephen M. Rubin.